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Our life should have a “Version Control System”


Prerequisites : Basic knowledge about life, git, GitHub, and an open mind

Often I wonder what if our life had a version control system! I know it may seem weird. But just imagine for a second, every day you do something meaningful and you commit a message. You push your meaningful commits to a repository in your brain or some other place. You can know your current mental or physical state just by typing a simple command like “git status”! You remove your unwanted painful memory by a command like “git rm”! You can remove a collection of memories or a single one! Wouldn’t that be great?

When you want to learn about your progress or hard work you can just watch the activity overview of your life’s GitHub profile! You can spot your lazy or unproductive days! You can see other people's public activities to the nitty gritty details!

Often I visit the GitHub profiles of some renowned programmers. I get depressed immediately by their active programming life. But at the same time, it inspires me a lot! What if there was a central repository hub for everyone's progress and hard work, not only programmers? Wouldn’t that be inspiring?!

I think it would also help to spot the imposters of our society. The mask of the braggarts will be revealed.

Is Neuralink going to achieve this someday?

Anyway, if you have come to the end, thanks a lot for reading my two cents!